

作者:紫外光源事业部时间:2020-01-29 12:45浏览2202 次




紫外线,也称为紫外线,是一种 电磁辐射,其波长接近光和X射线。它广泛应用于世界各地,从可用的电力产生到简单的黑光的许多其他常规用途,应有尽有。紫外线灯用于工业,商业和医疗保健领域的各种应用。







床和摊位经过特殊设计,可以使您的皮肤看起来很有 特色,在使用UVB光束的情况下,阳光会使太阳晒黑和晒伤。沙龙有教育工作者来指导您进行受保护的健康棕褐色,而阳光则无法控制。






















紫外线已经使用多年,xiaodu只是一切从 水 到卫生保健表面 和 医疗等行业,以及 实验室和许多其他应用程序,其中完整的xiaodu是必要的。将紫外线灯放置在空调中的功能大致相同:假设您的系统中确实装有实验室级的紫外线灯泡,那么这些空气滤清器会导致漂浮的任何细菌或霉菌暴露于高强度的紫外线灯下,这会破坏大多数细菌和霉菌孢子的细胞结构。这破坏了它们的DNA,使它们无法繁殖。因此,如果您要摆脱黑霉病,那将是有道理的或任何其他类型的霉菌,使其具有某些残留物,可以在执行修复程序后始终杀死可能残留在空气中的任何残留霉菌孢子。显然,确保除去任何水分过多的水分源非常重要,但是确保杀死任何残留的霉菌孢子是确保其不再回来的重要步骤。



UV LED紫外线灯在未来城市景观中扮演着重要角色。在室内收获时使用紫外线LED生长灯可以扩大多酚的生产,据信多酚具有防癌剂和抗衰老特性。除了可食用的园艺外,众所周知,紫外线灯通过提高其药用强度,已在树脂生产工厂(例如医用大麻)中获得了有益的应用。





The Uses/Applications of UV(Ultraviolet) Light

Ultraviolet light, also known as UV light, is a type of electromagnetic radiation that has a wavelength somewhere close to light and X-rays. It is used broadly all over the world, in everything from the generation of usable electric power to the many other regular uses for a simple black light. UV lights are used in various applications ranging from industrial, commercial and healthcare sectors.

The fundamental rule that makes UV light valuable is its destructive nature. Organisms behave and react differently when exposed to UV light. In addition to that basic destructive rule, inert materials and living organism show up distinctively in UV light than they do under the normal room, or white, light.

Likewise, its effect on a single surface, for example, an ID card, a repair to old fashioned porcelain or a cracked apartment wall will also be uncovered under the dark light. US currency, traveler’s checks, and other delicate archives are likewise now mainly made to be certified by viewing under UV light.

Some of the uses/applications of UV(Ultraviolet) light include tanning, fluorescent inspection, disinfection, hygiene control, water sanitization, etc. as described below.

The influence that UV light has on the skin and the DNA structure can be positively used to enhance the skin color. These make UV light to use in tanning. All sun tanning beds utilize UV lights to recreate the impacts of sunlight on exposed skin. Much the same as genuine sunbathing, people who use tanning beds risk creating sunburn. Due to this reason, UV light is used in Indoor tanning. Indoor tanning is more secure than sun tanning because the sun’s UV beams are not uniform, in some cases more blazing than other times. It requires greater time in the sun to get an impeccable tan. Clearly, you can get a similar one from five to twenty minutes with indoor tanning.

The sun has UVA and UVB beams where the UVA beams make your skin darker, yet the UVB beams harm your DNA. The salons just use UVA beams. It is simpler to get exposed to these lights from the sun since it is so considerably hotter and can lead to sunburn and also have a heat stroke.

The bed and booth are specially made to make your skin look characteristic, where the sun makes a suntan and sunburn both given the UVB beams. The salon has educators to guide you to a protected, healthy tan, whereas the sun can’t be controlled.

Fluorescent Inspection
Various materials react differently when exposed to UV light. For this reason, Ultraviolet light is used in the inspection of different surfaces and materials. The use of UV light makes things shine. A common application is represented by UV flashlights. There are two fundamental types of UV controls. UV accessible in fluorescent lights produces UV energy while UV beams just emanate a blackout purple light. UV knobs are a most cherished decision for Halloween adornments. UV in fluorescent tubes for black light impacts are likewise outstanding for this reason.

Blacklight fluorescent lights contain an extraordinary component known to as phosphor. After being activated, a fluorescent dark light creates its UV energy. This energy is otherwise called UVA vitality. Blacklight energy fluctuates from 310 nanometers to 400 nanometers in the electromagnetic spectrum. The human eye can recognize energy just between 400 to 700-nanometer wavelengths. It’s these wavelengths that cause the presence of fluorescence, making the lighting delivered by these knobs excellent and alluring. In the scope of around 370 nanometers, the light radiation enters the detectable range to transmit a little measure of pale blue light.

The dark light has discovered many uses for industry and home use also. Dark light uses in the mechanical place incorporate inspection for breaks, splits, and different defects during assembling and quality control examinations. Commercially applied, they have been observed to be exceptionally valuable by bistros and night clubs for fluorescing ensembles and decorations and additionally for bug traps and hallucinogenic lighting. Another notable commercial use of dark light globules is window shows, outside and indoor promoting, and dramatic and TV view lighting.

Used by detectives and other monitoring companies, dark lighting is utilized for grouping and checking of documents, photocopy inspection, recognition of forged cash and bank notes, stamp examination, oil geology, science, treating and iridescent instrument boards.

UV disinfection is a strategy for treating drinking water by the utilization of ultraviolet radiation to inactivate small scale creatures. UV units comprising of unique low-weight mercury vapor lights create UV radiation and the lights never come into contact with water. The UV lights are mounted or housed in the outside of the unit outer to the water or quartz glass sleeve, and the water then goes through an open UV tube. This allows the stream of water to absorb the UV light into its stream.

UV disinfection is a chemical-free process and destroys the bacteria specifically with a wavelength of 240 – 280 nanometers. The microorganisms or bacteria are destroyed in light of the photochemical reaction that destroys the DNA information that is found in the bacteria’s DNA. This, in this manner, implies the bacteria loses the capacity to reproduce and consequently is destroyed.

UV light is additionally used to remove chloramine and chlorine from water, and this procedure is known as photolysis; photolysis requires higher measurements than normal disinfection. In spite of the fact that sterilization of microorganisms is achieved by the utilization of UV radiation, the procedure won’t remove the disinfected bacteria, inorganic substances or dissolved natural particles from the water.

Hygiene Control
This is another positive use of UV light. The environment we stay in is full of bacteria and germs. The surfaces we touch and equipment we use are not safe from these germs. Worktops, utensils, and equipment are just a few examples of surfaces that harmful bacteria, mold, and viruses can be found. Ultraviolet light can be used to control the hygienic conditions of these surfaces. UV Light for germ control is being used in both domestically and commercially to help eradicate germs by purifying surfaces to enhance the highest level of cleanliness.

UV Light for Germ Control is contributing to ensuring commercial businesses are operating a ‘best practice’ policy in tackling the unseen; safeguarding staff and customers from food poisoning or cross-contamination. Though it primarily disinfects and sanitizes surfaces, its use in the home and catering industry stems even further; as it can be used to extend the shelf life of fruit and vegetables.

With the ability to kill 99.9% of germs the UV light for germ control is becoming an essential hygiene practice for any modern home or business, especially the catering industry. From a business perspective, it is also very efficient. Surfaces can be sanitized in just 20 seconds of contact, and it is also an effective, powerful and entirely safe method for purifying surfaces.

UV water treatment systems or gadgets can be used to clean surface and well water, and may likewise be used for other water treatment purposes, for example, aquariums and dams. When contrasted with other water treatment disinfection units, the utilization of UV light units are safer. Chlorine methods for water disinfection and boiling water over a biomass stove can destroy bigger living organisms; however, these type of systems are exorbitant. UV water treatment is amazingly quick and proficient and can be 20,000 times more efficient with regards to energy consumption than boiling.

Sterilize Drinking Water
Ultra Violet light ray is a good sterilizer. Maybe you are asking yourself in what limit can light sanitize water and remove harmful organisms. In any case, truth be told it can. UV light is a method for destroying or rendering harmless microorganisms in an enclosed area. These microbes can vary from bacteria contaminations to mold and protozoa. UV sterilization is used as a piece of water filtration, sewage treatment affirmation of sustenance and refreshments, and various other sterilization applications.

A good imperative form of UV sterilization is that it sterilized water faster than chlorine without cumbersome maintenance tanks and use of harmful chemicals. UV treatment systems are similarly cost-effective.

As UV light infiltrates through the cell dividers and cytoplasmic membrane, it drives a sub-nuclear change of the microorganism’s DNA, which limits it from dividing. If the cell can’t replicate, it is seen as dead. After being rendered dead, the water will be germ-free.

The applications go beyond just drinking water, aquarium UV sterilizers being a good example.

Air Cleaning
If you’re a homeowner and you have ever experienced mold growth in your apartment, then you understand the effect mold has on the home environment. These effects include but not limited to contamination of the air. Seldom that is a lot easier said than done, though, and many times the mold starts coming back after a short time. Molds are normally caused by a damp source, a leak, etc. If it has not been found or fixed, one most essential thing you can do to sharply reduce any chances of mold re-growing or repeated remediation visits is to apply something that kills the mold spores and incapacitates their ability to reproduce: that would be germicidal Ultraviolet light air purification units mounted in the air conditioner ducts. Recently more and more companies are incorporating the feature in regular air purifiers.

UV light has been used for many years to sanitize just about everything from water to surfaces in the healthcare and medical industries, as well as labs and many other applications where complete disinfection is necessary. Placing UV lights in air conditioners performs much the same thing: given that you do have lab-grade UV bulbs in the system, these air cleaners cause any bacteria or mold that float by to be exposed to high levels of UV-C light rays, which damages the cell structure of most bacteria and mold spores. This destroys their DNA, leaving them incapable of reproducing. So it would make sense that if you are trying to get rid of black mold or any other kind of mold to have something always killing any remaining mold spores that could be in the air after remediation procedures have been performed. Apparently making sure that any sources excess moisture sources have been removed are very important, but making sure any remaining mold spores are killed is an essential step to making sure it doesn’t come back.

For anybody in the mold remediation business, apparently, your name and reputation are mostly based on how well your remediation procedures work. If you were to offer quality UV light air cleaners as an additional service, you would probably beat out your competitors since almost no one we have seen offering this as an added step to preventing future mold growth. For anyone, whether, homeowner or mold remediation business owner, make sure that the ultraviolet light air purifier systems you choose include true 36 watt lab-grade bulbs. Lesser wattage bulbs simply don’t work as well, and you don’t want to offer or install something that is going to do an inferior job of disinfecting the air.

Indoor Gardening
UV LED lights are playing an important role in the future of urban landscapes. Utilizing UV LED grow lights for your indoor harvest can expand production of polyphenols, which are believed to have cancer prevention agent and anti-aging properties. In addition to edible gardening, UV lights as far as anyone knows have gainful applications for resin production plants, for example, medical cannabis by increasing strength of its medicinal properties.

UV light is electromagnetic radiation. It’s found in sunlight which is produced by electric curves and has a shorter wavelength compared with that of natural light, however, longer than x-beams. It’s the UV light that leads sunburn. However, it can be both harming and advantageous to human health. However, a great deal of advancements and developments in the latest technological research activities has made it possible for UV lights to be used in a way that is beneficial to humans.

These days they are used in performing many different tasks in day to day life and also in many industries.With the above-described application of UV light, we are set to benefit a lot. More and more benefits will be emerging as different inventions are made. These advances are directed towards the use of UV light for hunting to locate wounded animals, security uses, forensics and so on, some of which have already been implemented. Therefore, the applications of UV light are not limited, and therefore we expect more uses to emerge.
